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Medici mai pregatiti pentru pacientii de maine
Descopera mai jos pentru centre medicale
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Abonamentul Eduson Premium
Pret anual standard = 3600 lei
2-5 medici pret anual per doctor = 2500 lei
5-10 medici pret anual per doctor = 2200 lei
>10 medici - contacteaza-ne pentru o oferta personalizata
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Students are raving!
I found out about the school by chance. I had a trial lesson and I liked it very much - the platform itself, the approach in choosing a teacher, where all my wishes were taken into account, and the fact that I was able to immediately fit into the class.
Tata Volkovich
QA Engeneer
I wanted to find something that would be suitable for me. For example, I was interested in the opportunity to study remotely, the opportunity not to attend the office of the courses for study and payment, and also - the lack of attachment to a tight schedule. After turning and studying mountains of information and a lot of reviews, I chose Online University.
Peter Martin
n general - only the most positive impressions, both from the whole project and from my teacher.
I would not like to change or add anything to your work. The site works perfectly and the whole system is like a Swiss watch.
Jacob Carr
Interior Designer
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